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This is a test… of the WLW add-in mentioned here, Windows Live Writer Facebook “Like” Plug-in

I’ve uploaded pictures from yesterday’s 1st annual Simi Valley Freedom Walk…

You can see them all in my Freedom Walk 9/11/2006 album.

Here are just a few…

Update #1 9/15/2006:
Here’s the Simi Valley Acorn article on the freedom walk,

With MSN IM7’s closer intergration to MSN Spaces, I just might start posting here more…

Just testing this out… Kind of cool I guess.

I like that I can post images and files. 10MB will fill up pretty fast though. I also like that comments, trackbacks and categories are built in.

Needs a "Blog This" in IE.

I’m hoping the Google/Blogger are checking this service out and will help push them to add similar features…

wait… No Spell Check? And I can’t even use IESpell? Well that pretty much rules this out…

